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Yoga Video Christmas Sale 2024!


The popular bundle sale is back with complete new sets at 30% off from the usual video price. These are actual recordings of the Zoom classes, and I heard many good reports about how real (like live classes) they feel.

Recently I managed to negotiate with Zoom to have the video quality improved. Now most of the videos are in HD!

Mini Bundle

5 X Morning Yoga  30 min

Total 2 hours 30 min for £ 9 (normal price £12.50)
(Videos in this bundle are different from the ones in the bundles below)


Regular Practice Bundle
1.General Level  75 min
2.General Level 75 min
3.Morning Yoga 30 min
4.Morning Yoga  30 min
Total 3 hours 30 min for £ 10.50 (normal price £15)

Ashtanga Yoga Bundle
1.Ashtanga Yoga Workshop 90 min
2.Gentle Ashtanga Yoga  60 min (video quality low)
3.Morning Yoga  30 min
4.Morning Yoga  30 min

5. 10 min Bonus video
Total 3 hours 30 min for £ 11.50 (normal price £16) plus 10min bonus video.

Everything Bundle
1.Ashtanga Yoga Workshop 90 min
2.Gentle Ashtanga Yoga  60 min (video quality low)

3. General Level 75 min

4. General Level 75 min
5.Morning Yoga 30 min
6.Morning Yoga 30 min
Total 6 hours  for £18.50 (normal price £26)



Also, you will get 2 bonus audio videos; 'Loving Kindness Mediation' and my short talk on meditation from the workshop!






1. Pay by the links below using a card







2. Pay by bank transfer or PayPal. 

    If you want to pay by BACS or PayPal, please , message me.




The videos will be sent by email. This process is not automated, so please allow 24 hours. In most cases, they will be delivered in a few hours, but please feel free to nudge me if it is taking long.




These videos don't have expire dates  which means you can play them as many times as you like and you can access them indefinitely. You will receive the video links by email, so you need the internet connection to play them. (They open on YouTube, but you don't find them in my YouTube channel)

If you want some videos but not all of them, they can be purchased individually from my video shop. (Morning yoga £2.50, 60min & 75 min class £5, Workshop £7)

This offer will end on the 31st December 2024. You will have plenty of time to get them for Christmas/New Year period practice.

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